PPC 015




6 Note on Bibliographies Used and Abbreviations

7 Notes from the Editors

8 Wild Things, Tom Jaine

14 Old Bodrow’s Jambalaya, Porter Thompson

17 Historic Kitchen Restoration: The Example of Ham House, Part II, Caroline Davidson

29 Three Notes: Oriental and Levantine, Charles Perry

34 An ‘Abominable’ Cuisine, Michael Symons

40 Samphire, George Tee

45 Prince Eckembergh Comes to Dinner: Food and Political Propaganda in the Seventeenth Century, Peter Rietbergen

55 The John Trot Fault: An English Dinner Table in the 1750s, Mrs Alice Smith, by courtesy of Elizabeth David

60 The Hugh Roberts Collection of Old Kitchen Equipment

62 Book Reviews

Elizabeth Robins Pennell, My Cookery Books: M F K Fisher, As They Were: Lancelot de Casteau, Ouverture de Cuisine: Meera Taneja, Good Housekeeping Indian Cookery: Jacques Médecin, Cuisine Niçoise: Raymond Sokolov, Fading Feast: Roger Phillips, Wild Food: Jacques Barrau, Les Hommes et leurs Aliments: Elisabeth Ayrton, The Pleasure of Vegetables: Jane Grigson, The Observer Guide to European Cookery: Robert Freson and others, The Taste of France: and Shorter Notices and Books Received

72 Notes and Queries

Fourth Edition (1631) of Murell’s Two Bookes of Cookerie and Carving, Peter Targett: The Gascon Hoax, D Jon Grossman: The Antiquity of Hannah Glasse’s Antiquated Sources, Professor Constance B Hieatt: ‘Striebelie’, William Woys Weaver: Striebeli, Ralph Hancock: On Chocolate and Peppers, Gillian Goodwin: Battenberg Cake, Juliet Collings-Wells: Use of the English Epergne in the 18th Century, Philippa Glanville: What is an Egg Perfumer?, Rosalind Savill

80 News about and from Specialist Booksellers

81 A Dubious Competition (set by the Editors)

84 Our Addresses and Prices