The manuscripts below are kept in Devon by Tom Jaine, who should be contacted by interested food historians wishing for copies.
Pre-17th century European cookery books and essays
- Essay on and some recipes from a 13th-C. north European cookbook (unbound).
- Arnald of Villanova’s Book on Wine. Translation from the German version: ed. 1478 (unbound). Essay and translation.
- Le Livre de Taillevent (14th C.), published 1615 (unbound).
- Libre de totes maneres de confits (14th C.) (unbound). Essay and some recipes.
- Das buch von guter spise (14th C.) (unbound). Essay and recipes.
- Kuchenmeisterei (1490) (unbound). Introduction only, with illustrations.
- Platine en franccys… (French text of ?De Honesta Voluptate, 1474) (comb-bound), published 1519.
- Le Grand Cuisinier de toutes cuisines, by Pierre Pidoulx, published (?) 1540 (comb-bound).
- Menu de la maison de la Reyne faict par Mons. Pinguillon, published 1562 (unbound).
- Epulario, or, The Italian Banquet, published 1598 (comb-bound), translated from the Italian.
- (Essay) Un Petit Traité de Cuisine (14th C.).
- (Essay) Deux Traités inédits d’art culinaire mediéval, by Marianne Mulon.
- (Article) Aliments et Recettes Culinaires des Byzantines, by E. Jeanselme and L. Oeconomus (1923).
- (Essay) A Medieval Sauce-Book, by Lynn Thorndike.
- Anonymous French thesis [?] on 15th-16th C. French cookery books.
17th and 18th century cookery books and essays in French
- Le Cuisinier François, by La Varenne, published 1651 (unbound).
- Le Nouveau Cuisinier, by Pierre de Lune, published 1662 (comb-bound, 3 copies).
- Maistre d’Hostel Royal, by Pierre de Lune, published 1662 (comb-bound).
- Le Cuisinier Moderne, by Vincent La Chapelle, published 1742 (comb-bound).
- French essay on 17th-18th century cookery books by Alain Girard.
- Paper given by Mons. Herbodeau to Oxford University (concerns food history).
French cookery books translated into English
- The French Cook, by La Varenne, translated by I.D.G., published 1653 (unbound, 2 copies).
- A Perfect School of Instructions for Officers of the Mouth, by Giles Rose, 1653 (unbound).
- The Art of Modern Cookery Displayed, by Menon, translated by a foreigner, 1767 (unbound).
- The Professed Cook, by Menon, translated by B. Clermont, 1776 (unbound).
- The Royal Parisian Pastrycook, by Carême, translated by John Porter, 1834 (comb-bound).
15th and 16th century cookery books in English
- A Noble Boke of Cokery, published c. 1500.
- The Schoolemaster or Teacher of Table Phylosophie, published 1583 (unbound), first treatise only, dealing with food and manners.
- The Widowes Treasure, published 1585 (unbound).
- The Good House-wives Treasurie, published 1588 (comb-bound).
- The Good Huswives Handmaid, published c. 1590 (comb-bound and modern reprint).
- Dyets Dry Dinner, by Henry Buttes, published 1599 (unbound).
17th century cookery books in English
- A Closet for Ladies and Gentlemen, published 1608 (comb-bound), first section only, containing all culinary receipts.
- The English Hus-wife, by Gervase Markham, 1615 (unbound).
- Murrel’s Two Books of Cookeries and Carving, by John Murrell, fifth edition with additions of 1638 (pasted-in book).
- The Ladies Cabinet Opened, 1639 (pasted-in book).
- A Hermetical Banquet, Drest by a Spagiricall Cook, published 1652 (comb-bound).
- The Ladies Companion, published 1653/4? (unbound).
- A True Gentlewoman’s Delight, by W.J., published 1653 (unbound).
- The Art of Cookery Refin’d, by Jos. Cooper, 1654 (bound, 3 copies).
- The Ladies Cabinet Enlarged and Opened, by Lord Ruthven, published 1654 (comb-bound, 4 copies).
- Archimagirus Anglo-Gallicus, copied from a choice manuscript of Sir Theodore Mayerne, physician to the late King Charles, published 1658 (comb-bound).
- The Cook’s Guide, by Hannah Woolley, 1664 (comb-bound).
- The Ladies Delight, by Hannah Woolley, published 1672.
- The Gentlewoman’s Companion, by Hannah Woolley, 1675 (comb-bound).
- The Queen-like Closet, by Hannah Woolley, fifth edition, 1684 (comb-bound).
- Kitchin Physick, by [?]Thomas Cocke, 1676 (bound).
- The Compleat Cook’s Guide, published 1677 (comb-bound).
- The True Way of Preserving and Candying, published 1681 (unbound).
- The True Preserver and Restorer of Health, by G. Hartman, 1682.
- The Accomplished Ladies Rich Closet of Rarities, by John Shirley, published 1690?/1696? (bound).
- A Belfast Cookery Book of Queen Anne’s Time, c. 1711. Articles and recipes of Margaret McBride.
18th century cookery books in English
- England’s Newest Way, by Henry Howard, third edition, 1710- (pasted-in book and unbound).
- England’s Newest Way, by Henry Howard, fifth edition, 1713 (unbound).
- The Queen’s Royal Cookery, by T. Hall, second edition, 1719 (unbound).
- A Collection of Receipts in Cookery, by Mary Kettilby, second edition, 1719 (unbound).
- Court Cookery, by R. Smith, 1725 (unbound).
- The Industrious Country-Man and Virtuous House-Wife’s Companion, by James Dunbar, published 1737 (unbound).
- The Compleat City and Country Cook, by Charles Carter, second edition with large additions, 1736 (unbound).
- The London and Country Cook, by (the late?) Charles Carter, ?third edition, 1749 (fragile book and photocopy).
- The Family Magazine, by ?Arabella Atkyns, 1741.
- The Accomplish’d Servant-maid, by Eliza Johnston, 1747 (comb-bound).
- Bradshaw’s Valuable Family Jewel, by Penelope Bradshaw, 1748 (unbound).
- A New and Easy Method of Cookery, by Elizabeth Cleland, 1755 (pasted-in book).
- The British Housewife, by Martha Bradley, 1756 (bound, second volume only).
- A Collection of the most approved receipts in Pastry, published in Aberdeen, undated (unbound).
- The Art of Confectionary, by Edward Lambert, c. 1744 (comb-bound).
- The Compleat Confectioner, by Hannah Glasse, c.1760 (comb-bound, 3 copies).
- Art of Cookery or The Compleat-Housewife, by Alice Smith, published in 1760 (unbound, incomplete).
- Primitive Cookery, 1767 second edition (comb-bound, 2 copies).
- Madam Johnson’s Present, by Madam Johnson, 1769 fifth edition (pasted-in book, pages missing).
- The Practice of Modern Cookery, by George Dalrymple, 1781 (comb-bound).
- The Universal Cook, by Mrs Maria Stanhope, 1783 (comb-bound).
19th and 20th century cookery books in English
- A New System of Domestic Cookery, by a Lady, by Mrs Rundell, 1806 (unbound).
- Charitable Cookery, by Alexis Soyer, c. 1840 (unbound).
- The Whole Art of Curing, Pickling and Smoking Meat and Fish, by James Robinson, 1847 (comb-bound).
- The Gourmet’s Guide to Rabbit Cooking, by an Old Epicure, 1859 (unbound).
- A Practical Cookery Book, by Mrs Haldane, 1936 (unbound).
Cookery books from the rest of the world
- The Young Housekeeper, by William A. Alcott, 1838, Boston (unbound).
- The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning, by Ellen H. Richards, 1882, Boston (comb-bound).
- Cookery for the Many, by an Australian Aristologist, 1864 (comb-bound, 2 volumes).
- Arte Cisoria o tratado del Arte del Cortar del Cuchillo, 1766 (unbound, pages 28-53, 122-129 and 196-197).
- Yuan Mei?, ? edition (unbound).
- Turkish Cookery Book, by Turabi Efendi, 1864 (unbound).
- Koge-bog, Anon., 1616, first printed cookbook in Denmark.
- Vasa Qver, by Marta Maria Stephensen, 1800, first printed cookbook in Iceland.