PPC 053




6 Notice about The Gregory Usher Gastronomic Research Grant

7 Notes from the Editors

8 Transparent Pleasures — The Story of the Jelly: Part One, Peter Brears

20 A Spicy Ice Cream, Jane Levi

22 Two ‘New’ Eighteenth-Century Cookery Books, Gilly Lehmann

25 Matzoth for Angels and Mortals, Sue Larkey

30 Het of Atworth’s Christmas Pudding, Audrey Levy

33 Further Musings on Syllabub, or Why Not ‘Jumble It a Pritie Whilte’ ?, Ivan Da/p>

45 A Mini-Symposium on New Publications, Josef Konvitz, Rachel Laudan, Lesley Chamberlain and Jane Levi

54 Book Reviews

62 Notes and Queries

68 Our Addresses and Prices