

ISBN-13 978-1-903018-66-8

Published Sep 2009

320 pages;

246×174 mm;
paperback; 12 b&
w illustrations



Oxford Symposium


Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2008

In this continuing series, the topic of vegetables embraces a wide range of pieces from English, American and overseas scholars. Their treatments encompass both a broader consideration of the vegetable diet and the history of the cultivation and consumption of specific varieties. Cookery and consumption are not highlighted at the expense of cultivation, so there are some interesting essays on allotments, market gardening in the Paris region, early-modern vegetable gardening in England and the development of markets in India. The theme has been treated with admirable latitude in contributions on vegetables and diplomacy, vegetable carving, and vegetables in Renaissance art.


Vegetable Carving: For Your Eyes Only Julia Abramson
The War of the Vegetables: The Rise and Fall of the English Allotment Movement Lesley Acton
The First Scientific Defense of a Vegetarian Diet Ken Albala
The Roman Vegetable Garden Joan P. Alcock
The Bitter – and Flatulent – Aphrodisiac: Synchrony and Diachrony of the Culinary Use of Muscari Comosum in Greece and Italy Anthony F. Buccini
We Talked About the Aubergines: International Diplomacy and the Cretan Diet Andrew Dalby
The Carrot Purple Joel S. Denker
Listening to Vegetables Len Fisher and Nick Sorensen
Vegetables as a Symbol in Design and Art Anna Marie Fisker & Tenna Doktor Olsen
An Edible Wild Thistle from the Lebanese Mountains Anissa Helou
Allotment Diaries Phil Iddison
Salvation in Sweetness? Sugar Beets in Antebellum America Cathy K. Kaufman
Up on the Farm: The Role of Vegetables in Conquering Space Jane Levi
The History of the Potato in Irish Cuisine and Culture Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire and Pádraic Óg Gallagher
‘Sweet as’– Notes on the Kumara or New Zealand Sweet Potato as a Taonga or Treasure Ray McVinnie
The American Pumpkin Mark McWilliams
Wild Thing: The Naga Morich Story Michael Michaud and Joy Michaud
‘Per rape et porri et per spinachi’: Examining the Realities of Vegetable Consumption at the Monastery of Santa Trinità in Post-Plague Florence Salvatore Musumeci
The Maraîchers – Market Gardeners of the Ile-de-France Lizabeth Nicol
The Southern California Vegetable Cult Charles Perry
From the Plate to the Palate: Visual Delights from the Vegetable Kingdoms of Italy Gillian Riley
The Still-life Painter Alicia Ríos; translated by Raymond Sokolov; photographs by Johanna Hecht
But, Did the English Eat Their Vegetables? A Look at English Kitchen Gardens, and the Vegetable Cookery they Imply William Rubel
Who Put the Leeks in Cock-a-leekie Soup? Allyson E. Sgro
Bone-dry Freshness: Dried Vegetables Aylin Öney Tan and Filiz Hösükoğlu
Dokonjo Daikon: The Radish with the Fighting Spirit Michelle Toratani
The Pomtajer Karin Vaneker
A Vegetable Zodiac from Late Antique Alexandria Susan Weingarten